Latest News

The latest news stories relating to our range of load cell and instrumentation products can be viewed below. This section will be updated regularly with application stories, articles, product updates and other interesting information relating to LCM Systems.

20 Tonne Load Measuring Pins - LCM Systems
20 Tonne Load Measuring Pins
15th Sep 2020

We have just despatched these 20 tonne rated load pins to a customer in the US. They are going to a winch manufacturer and will be installed in the winch to provide load monitoring.

80kN Wireless Load Pin - LCM Systems
80kN Wireless Load Pins
7th Sep 2020

These 80kN wireless load pins have been designed and manufactured for a customer in Belgium, who wanted to replace an existing load bearing pin in an open wedge socket with a load measuring pin to provide load monitoring.

15te Toggle Load Link
15te Toggle Load Link
28th Aug 2020

Delivered this week to a customer in Germany were these two toggle stainless steel load links. Rated to 15te, they have fork/fork end fittings, are environmentally sealed to IP67 and have integral amplifiers to give a 4-20mA output.

2.5 Tonne ATEX/IECEx Load Pin
2.5 Tonne ATEX/IECEx Load Pins
24th Aug 2020

Leaving the factory this week and on their way to an engineering company in The Netherlands that specialises in machinery and installation assembly, are these three Ex d Zone 1 & 2 certified load pins.

400te Duplex Dual Bridge Load Links
400te Duplex Dual Bridge Load Links
14th Aug 2020

Due for delivery early next week to a customer in Belgium are these four duplex load links rated to 400 tonnes. Each load link pair has a separate strain gauge bridge to give dual redundancy for additional safety protection and provides a 4-20mA output.

4.75te SHK-B Load Shackles
4.75 Tonne Cabled Load Shackles
7th Aug 2020

Due to be shipped to the USA on Monday are these four 4.75 tonne cabled load shackles. These lower capacity load shackles are often used in the entertainment industry for monitoring the loads on hoists, rigging and stage lifts and also for general cable tension monitoring applications.

David Willmington
Meet The Team - David Willmington
5th Aug 2020

This week we’d like to introduce you to David Willmington, joint owner of LCM Systems Ltd. Back in 2001, David teamed up with Managing Director, Steve Sargeant, to purchase the company, and has worked with Steve to grow the business from a small enterprise into the global market leading manufacturer of standard and custom design load cell solutions it is today.

43047 - STA-2-500
STA-2 500kg Tension & Compression Load Cells
31st Jul 2020

Despatched to a customer in Korea this week were these STA-2 500kg stainless steel load cells. They will ultimately be going to a semi conductor component manufacturer for use in their test rigs. The STA-2 is part of our standard product range and is available in load ratings from 250kgs up to 20 tonnes.

5te Wireless Load Pin
5te Wireless Load Measuring Pin
28th Jul 2020

For our USA distributor, we have manufactured a 5te (11,000lb) wireless load pin that will be installed in a hydraulic motor. Although we do have a standard load pin range, the vast majority of the load pins we produce are custom designed like this one, with over 5000 different designs manufactured to date.

1te Submersible Load Shackles
20th Jul 2020

On their way to the USA are these 1 tonne rated submersible load shackles.

55 Tonne Wireless Load Shackles
3rd Jul 2020

On Thursday last week we received an order for five of our wireless 55 tonne TELSHACK-B load shackles, which were required urgently for a project in the Gulf of Mexico.

Meet The Team - Natalie Adcock
1st Jul 2020

Meet Natalie Adcock, our Supply Chain Assistant. Natalie works alongside our Purchasing Manager and is responsible for generating and placing purchase orders with suppliers.